Sunday, December 16, 2007


Well, it's a happy day despite those sillz little elves falling off the reindeer and spoiling their toothbrushing routine bz giving them sweets and having to use a funnz kezboard where that nastz Ruprecht person has put all the ZZZ's where the YYY's USED TO BE. And misplaced the caps lock I now find.

Anyway I'VE HAD LOTS OF LETTERS FROM CHILDREN AND THEY make me really happy. I've had a lot from America, and one from a girl called Joseline in Australia, but the one I liked most was from somebody called Jasmine. She wanted to know if I'm still enjoying parachuting (well I've stopped while I was away getting materials to make the toys -but I'm looking forward to doing some more.)

Anyway what Jasmine wanted was for everyone to have happy day. Well that's what I want as well, Jasmine. And if you are nice to everyone, and think about them, and do nice things for them you will be happz (SORRY HAPPY) TOO.

So tra´la, tra la I'm singing as I work and I feel like flying through the air or even parachuting again. Hurrah HURRAH HURRAH


Anonymous said...

I hope you were enjoying parachuting
and i hope you will have a good
Christmas and I hope you will not forget to go to me

love Aline,

Anonymous said...

Santa. You've been rather quiet for a few days. Are you OK or just very busy. I hope you have time to witre some more!
your friend